Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Early Carthaginians versus Syracusans Mortem et Gloriam Game


Armies deployed from the Carthaginian side

Opposite view from the Syracusan side

Carthaginian left flank

Carthaginian right flank

Syracusan left flank

Syracusan right flank

Armies advance

Syracusan laggards in the centre

Last Monday afternoon out in the shed I played a solo Pacto sized Mortem et Gloriam game with the Early Carthaginians taking on the Syracusans in Sicily. The armies deployed on a plain and advanced apart from some Syracusan laggards in the centre. The Syracusan cavalry and Gallic mercenaries charged on their right flank and routed the Carthaginian chariots. In the centre the Carthaginian infantry charged and after rounds of charge and melee combat a gap appeared in the Syracusan lines. At this stage the game appeared to evenly poised and the fighting continued with the wounding and death of a few commanders on both sides. However a rolling Kill a Base test saw the entire Syracusan centre collapse in dramatic fashion. Punic perfidy, or more accurately luck, had won the day!

Forces close

Manoeuvring for the charge

Syracusan cavalry and Gallic mercenaries charge

Carthaginian chariots rout

Opposite end of the table

Carthaginian infantry charge in the centre

A gap appears in the Syracusan lines

Syracusan centre collapses


  1. Another fantastic Ancients game with an amazing array of figures. Very interesting to see the Carthaginians still using chariots in the "Classic" manner.

    1. Thanks Dean, yes they used four horse chariots before they discovered elephants, after Pyrrhus in Sicily.

  2. Nice! You don’t see Carthaginian chariots on the table often.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, they're fun to use in an Early Carthaginian army but I like elephants more.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, always good to give the Carthaginians a run.

  4. What a pleasure to look at such gorgeous armies...great looking game!

  5. Lovely looking game, chariots are always fun but elephants are better! Good to be a lucky general!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, ellies are better and good luck certainly helps.

  6. Like so many others, I just love those chariots. Great looking game overall too, of course!
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James, Agema Miniatures have an Early Carthaginian chariot and Xyston also have one in 15mm.


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