Friday, December 4, 2020

Norman Pueri and Pedites


Here are some unarmoured Norman cavalry and infantry that I've just finished painting. The figures are all Gripping Beast, except for a single Crusader Miniatures spearmen. The banner is by LBM and the shield transfers are a mix of LBM and VVV. We've got a Vikings club game organised for Sunday week with two warbands a side playing a First Crusade game with Lion Rampant: Crusader States. We haven't played a club game since March this year, so that should be fun, things are slowly opening again here.


Hittite vs New Kingdom Egyptians ADLG Game

  Hittites and Egyptians deployed Opposite end Hittite left flank Hittite right flank Egyptian left flank Egyptian right flank Armies close ...