Monday, December 21, 2020

Numidian Cavalry


I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy (and safe) gaming, blogging and painting for 2021! 

Above are some 15mm Numidian cavalry by Corvus Belli, that I've just finished painting. PSC have just rereleased some of these figures in resin (Ultracast) as part of their Pacto Mortem et Gloriam Carthaginian army.

Below are some photos of White Cockatoos and a Corella enjoying a pre-Xmas feast from our apple tree.


  1. Your Numidian cav look super as do your cockatoos. Must be quite enjoyable to watch such beautiful birds. Big birds or small apples?

    1. Thanks Jonathan, they're hilarious to watch, they only eat the apple seeds and spit the apple out. The apples are immature and small.

  2. So Sagas Age of Hannibal book came out a few months back. An easier entry into painting what I need for C&CA, but at least pointing me in right direction. So I see your post and I am like oh goodie some Numidian cavalry to gawk at. Click on picture and go damn, those are awfully small for 28’s, had to go and get my magnifying glass out to check them out. Oh yeah it says right here the
    At they are 15’s.

    Seriously though these are nice though a bit small for me, I also wish you and yours a Merry Christmas!


    1. Thanks Kevin, I bought Age of Hannibal but haven't tried a game yet. Skirmish games like Saga are a good way to get started in a period. Merry Christmas to you and yours too!

  3. Lovely Numidian cavalry. Brilliant work on the shields. Those d@mned eastern corellas are a pain in the proverbial having invaded this side of the country. They pick the tops off the eucalypts and generally make a bloody mess. It's amazing how the trees turn white with large flocks of them squawking away in the morning. They tend to displace the local fauna too (
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James. We never used to have any either I think drought has made them migrate, both are pretty destructive for sure. Have a good one!

  4. Great looking Numidian cavalry! Have a great Christmas!
    Best Iain


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