Monday, February 15, 2021

Romans versus Carthaginians - Age of Hannibal Saga Game


Romans on the left, Carthaginians on the right

Roman Consul with Hastati

Roman Velites and Leves

Carthaginians advance

Roman Hastati retreat

Last Saturday afternoon Craig came over to my place and we played a Romans versus Carthaginians, Age of Hannibal Saga Game. I haven't played Saga for a couple of years but did pick up the Age of Hannibal book and $$$ dice when they were released last year. Craig has been playing a fair bit of Saga and won the Dark Age Saga comp with his Normans at CoronaCon which was held here in Canberra on Australia Day. Our game was six points a side with six turns. 

I had Numidian cavalry and Balearic slingers and tried to wear the Romans down with shooting. This had limited success. Even when my elephant charged the Velites it didn't inflict as much damage as I hoped. The Romans have some very powerful abilities on their battle board and Craig used these to good effect. Not being too familiar with Carthaginian battle board, my use was fairly limited, mainly activation and resting of units. It was a fairly close game but once the Romans killed the Carthaginian warlord it was all over, with the Romans victorious 20-16 points.

Numidians and Balearic slingers shoot

Spanish Scutarii retreat

Carthaginian elephant is exhausted

Both warlord and elephant are vulnerable

Carthaginian warlord is killed

End of game, Romans win 20-16 points


  1. Dude, so cool, next unit up for my Saga Carthaginian army are Greek mercenaries and then my Numidian cavalry. This little report keeps my interest in painting. Nice report!


    1. Thanks Kevin, the elephant was good but the Carthaginian infantry struggled, the Roman infantry are tough.

  2. Looks great Rome vs Carthago can't be bad!

    1. Thanks Phil, it was a fun game, haven’t played Saga for a while.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, there are plenty of troop options with the Carthaginians.


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