Saturday, February 13, 2021

Parthians versus Mauryan Indians Mortem et Gloriam Game


Parthians on the left, Indians on the right

Opposite side of the table

Indian right flank

Indian centre

Indian centre

Indian left flank

Parthian right flank

Parthian centre

Parthian left flank

Armies advance

Indian right flank

Last Friday afternoon I played a solo Parthians versus Mauryan Indians, Pacto sized Mortem et Gloriam (MeG) game out in the shed. I was a few bases short with the Parthian cataphracts, so used some of my Sassanids to make up numbers and used some Persians for the Parthian hillmen infantry. After some desultory shooting, the armies finally closed. The Parthian cataphracts proved to be effective and made short work of the Indian archers in the centre when they managed to get in a flank charge. The Indians soon broke providing the Parthians with an easy victory.

Armies close

Parthian right flank

Charges are declared

Indian cavalry charge

Parthian horse archers evade

Parthian cataphracts charge

Cataphracts charge flank of Indian archers

Side view from the Indian right flank

Indian left flank

Indian chariots pursue the horse archers

Indian army breaks


  1. Impressive Ancients gaming again, Mike. Love the elephants and chariots especially.

    1. Thanks Dean, always fun to get the Indians out.

  2. This Indian army is gorgeous and spectacular...Beautiful games!

    1. Thanks Phil, the Indians are definitely one of my favourite armies.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, it was fun to get the figures out.

  4. That looks a superb game! Lovely looking troops too. It's a joy to get the troops out even if it is for solo play. I must look into MeG rules. The look like they give an excellent game.
    Best wishes,

    1. Thanks Jason, I like MeG it is a clever set of rules and well supported with army lists and a forum. PSC are releasing the Renaissance version ReG at some stage.

  5. Lovely looking game, the Indian army is fab and all the Parthian substitutions makes total sense, the renaissance version of MeG sounds interesting, still looking for the ultimate renaissance rules!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Renatio et Gloriam (ReG) hasn't been official released yet but the rules and army lists are available as free downloads and there is ReG forum. I thought I might use it for ECW.


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