Sunday, October 10, 2021

Hatti versus Alisaya Chariots Rampant Game


Hittites left, Cypriots right

Hittite left flank

Hittite centre

Hittite right flank

Cypriot left flank

Cypriot centre

Cypriot right flank

Forces advance

On Sunday morning out in the shed, we played a Chariots Rampant game with the invading forces of Hatti taking on the defending forces of Alisaya (Cyprus). The Cypriot forces were Later Mycenaeans. Two Hittite kings, Tudhaliya IV(1237-1209 BC) and Suppiluliuma II (1207-? BC) actually campaigned in Cyprus, most probably to secure grain supplies, see Trevor Bryce's book Warriors of Anatolia pp.238-239 and pp.258-263 for details. The Hittites had the early advantage in the game but in the end both sides suffered heavy casualties, with something of a Pyrrhic victory for the Hittites.

Chariots exchange missile fire

Cypriot chariots retreat

Cypriot spearmen charge in the centre

Cypriot chariots suffer casualties

Hittite firing is effective

More casualties for the Cypriots

Hittites continue firing on their left flank

Heavy casualties for both sides but the Hittites win


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, it was good to roll some dice.

  2. So many beautiful figures on a single table...

    1. Thanks Phil, nice to get the Hittites and Mycenaeans on the table.

  3. Nice game, Mike! You give me an idea for another opponent for my growing Hittite army. I need to consider the Bruce book. Thanks for the recommendation.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, his Kingdom of the Hittites is the best book to get but Warriors of Anatolia is a good introduction and very accessible.

    2. Thanks for a second recommendation!

    3. No worries, I can give you heaps for Bronze Age stuff, there’s some great books available and even with out of print books, you can often pick them up cheaply second hand through Abebooks, Biblio etc…

  4. Very cool late-Bronze age gaming!

    1. Thanks Dean, it’s such a great period with so many interesting armies.

  5. Great looking game! I thought of you on Sunday when I went to the British museum to see the Nero exhibition and nipped in to see the Egyptian and Assyrian permanent exhibits!
    Best Iain

  6. Thanks Iain, lucky you! The Nero exhibition sounds interesting, I wish I could nip in to see the Egyptian and Assyrian exhibits!

  7. 'Heavy casualties' is an understatement; there wasn't much left at the end! Beaut looking game. Always wonderful to see chariots on both sides!
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James, it was very bloody, you can never have enough chariots!


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