Saturday, October 16, 2021

Lion Rampant A Viking in the Sun Supplement


Yesterday in the mail I got the new Lion Rampant A Viking in the Sun supplement from Northstar. This was eagerly awaited as it covers the Mediterranean adventures of Harald Hardrada and I really enjoyed the previous one, Lion Rampant The Crusader States. I quickly read it cover to cover. Like it's predecessor, Lion Rampant A Viking in the Sun, is beautifully illustrated, it has four main chapters covering Harald and his World, New Upgrades and Optional Rules, Army Lists and Campaigns. 

A second edition of the Lion Rampant rules is due to be published by Osprey in 2022 but the core rules are still the same. The Army Lists covers The Varangian Guard, Byzantines, Southern Italian Principalities, Normans and Muslim Powers of the Central and Eastern Mediterranean. The chapter on Campaigns includes three scenarios based on Harald's campaigns in the Holy Land, Sicily and Southern Italy. Again highly recommended, there's a lot of fun gaming to be had with this supplement.

Below are some Almoravid Moor archers that I've just finished painting, the figures are by Artizan Designs. I will use these for my Muslim force in Sicily against Harald with the Varangian Guard and Byzantines in my planned solo game of Scenario 2.1 The Landing (p.80), an amphibious operation. Hopefully I will play that sometime next week.


  1. Ah, have this supplement in my wish list!
    And also a lot of Artizan's Moors waiting for painting :)

    1. It’s excellent Michal, definitely worth getting, ditto for the Artizan Moors :)

  2. Very nice supplement to great rules.

    1. It is indeed Dean, looking forward to my first game with it.


Late Roman Infantry

  Here are some Late Roman infantry from the archives that I painted about nine years ago. The figures on round bases above are mainly Crusa...