Thursday, November 4, 2021

Early Mycenaean Chariots Rampant Game


Forces advance

Chariots close

Chariot combat on our right flank

Last Wednesday afternoon Craig, Garry, Rick and Andrew came over to my place and we played an Early Mycenaean Chariots Rampant game out in the shed. Chariots Rampant is the Bronze Age variant of Lion Rampant and the rules can be found in an article in Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy magazine issue 82 for 3.95 euros:

This was our first game in months, since lockdown ended recently. We played a second game, of 1st Crusade Lion Rampant Crusader States, as well but I will put that in a separate post. Both sides had 25 points with Craig and Garry commanding a force of two heavy chariots units, and one unit each of spearmen, archers and slingers. Rick and I commanded a force of one heavy chariots, one light chariots, two spearmen, one archers and one of javelinmen. Despite having fewer spearmen units, Craig and Garry easily won the game, thanks to some consistently poor dice rolling from us, destroying both chariot units and a unit of spearmen and javelinmen.

Spearmen retreat

Battered chariots on our left flank

Spearmen charge again

Spearmen are routed


  1. Oh, this looks good, Mike. Great to see you getting in some games with your pals.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, it was good to get the figures out and roll some dice, it's been a while.

  2. Great looking Mycenaeans. Love the Dendra armored warriors.

  3. Great stuff Mike, great to see you have returned to some normal finally, say hello to the lads for me. Hoping to get back for CanCon if it is on in January.


    1. Thanks Matt, will do. I heard they’re thinking of holding it without any traders but who knows if it will actually go ahead.

  4. Lovely stuff. I'm increasingly interested by this period, so great to see stuff on the table.

    1. Thanks fmb, starting out with a Chariots Rampant force is a good way to get going with Bronze Age armies.

  5. Superb chariot and brave spearmen! Great looking game...


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