Sunday, November 7, 2021

Lion Rampant Crusader States Game Four


Seljuk Turks left, Crusaders right

Wild Turks

Skirmishing on the Seljuk right flank

Crusader Knights advance with infantry support

Here are some photos of the second game we played last Wednesday afternoon. This was a First Crusade, Lion Rampant Crusader States game, with Garry commanding the Crusaders and Craig and I commanding an all cavalry Seljuk Turk force. We just played the usual Bloodbath scenario but the game was much closer than our Early Mycenaean Chariots Rampant game (see previous post). For a while the Turks managed to contain the Crusaders but were eventually ground down by the Crusaders' superiority in combat. In the end it was a victory for the Crusaders but by a narrow margin.

Knights charge in the centre

Wild Turks evade

Casualties mount

Crusader foot serjeants prove handy

Crusaders win narrowly


  1. Fast and furious Wild Turks, great looking game!

    1. Thanks Phil, they're great figures the Perry Seljuk Turks.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, always tough opponents, the Crusaders.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Aaron, it was fun to have some games again, it’s been a while.


Late Roman Infantry

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