Thursday, November 11, 2021

Thutmose III and more Mitanni


Here's Thutmose III in his chariot and two more Mitanni Maryannu that I've just finished painting, all heading to the Battle of Megiddo! The Thutmose III figure is by Cutting Edge/Warlord and the Mitanni Maryannu by Magister Militum. These figures are great value, a pack of five for 27 pounds! There are some comparison shots below with two Foundry Mitanni chariots I painted a few years ago. All of these chariots are great figures but the Foundry chariots are now 22 pounds each...

I've just finished reading Richard Gabriel's military biography of Thutmose III, a fascinating read. The logistics and planning that went in to his campaigns in Syria, particularly crossing the Euphrates, are just staggering. He even found time on the return journey to go elephant hunting in Niya, Syria, like his grandfather Thutmose I, who had also crossed the Euphrates on campaign. Definitely recommended reading if you're interested in New Kingdom Egyptian history.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, you can never have too many chariots!

  2. Did I read that correctly….you got a pack of 5 chariots for 27 pounds where 1 chariot from foundry now runs 22 pounds? Nice looking figures too….

    1. Thanks Oregon Painter, yes that’s correct, they’re more on their website but they have take off the VAT if you live outside the UK and the postage is very reasonable.

  3. These look great, Mike! I have not seen seen Magister Militum before. The chariots are big and beautiful. I must look into these. Thanks for the book recommendation.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, yes they're nice big chunky figures that are easy to paint and great value too. No worries.

  4. Lovely looking chariots and that's a dirty great big price difference! I like Foundry, but not that much! Pretty sure I went to Thutmose III's tomb in the valley of the kings 35 years ago!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, sure is. Fortunately I bought most of my Foundry figures years ago when they were more reasonably priced. Cool! We visited Tutankhamen's tomb in the Valley of Kings in 2009 but don't remember seeing Thutmose III's tomb.


Late Roman Infantry

  Here are some Late Roman infantry from the archives that I painted about nine years ago. The figures on round bases above are mainly Crusa...