Wednesday, June 1, 2022

New Kingdom Egyptians versus Libyans and Sea Peoples ADLG Game


Libyans and Sea Peoples advance

Egyptian right flank

Egyptian centre

Sea Peoples

Libyan centre

Egyptian chariots and Libyan right flank

Nubians evade Sea Peoples' chariots

Forces approach, shooting commences

Last Monday Craig came over to my place and we played a 200 point ADLG game out in the shed with New Kingdom Egyptians versus Libyans and Sea Peoples. Craig commanded the Egyptians and I was the attacker with Libyans and Sea Peoples. We experimented with using an average dice instead of the usual D6 to reduce the randomness factor. Rereading the rules you're only supposed to do this for combat but it seemed to work well in general. I rolled a D6 for my Sea Peoples allies and luckily they were not hesitant as they were the best infantry in my army! On a roll of 1 in the first turn they remain hesitant and can not move or shoot until a 6 is rolled in a subsequent turn.

The Sea Peoples' chariots charged the Nubian skirmishers, who evaded several times before being caught and destroyed. The Egyptian chariots on both flanks charged, on their right into Sherden warriors, and on their left into Libyan chariots with supporting skirmishers. In the centre the impetuous Libyan warriors charged the Egyptian infantry who threatened to break through and were able to kill the attached Libyan commander. The Libyans managed to hold in the centre and a second line of impetuous warriors charged in to occupy the remaining Egyptian infantry. Meanwhile on the flanks the casualties were mounting for the Egyptian chariots. A desperate last ditch charge by the Egyptian javelinmen on their right flank failed to turn things around and the Egyptians broke, ending a very one sided game.

Egyptian chariots charge the Sherden

Egyptian chariots charge the Libyan chariots

Libyans charge in the centre

Casualties mount for the Egyptian chariots

Libyan centre is looking brittle

Egyptian flanks are suffering

Egyptian javelinmen charge

Egyptians break 23-9


  1. Great looking game as always sir!
    Best regards

    1. Thanks Michal, it was a good and unexpected win for the Libyans and Sea Peoples.

  2. Beautiful armies, Mike, and a beautiful win for the Libyans/Sea Peoples.

  3. Thanks Jonathan, it was good fun but a bit unexpected.

  4. Great looking game and well done to the Libyans/ Sea peoples!
    Best Iain

  5. Thanks Iain, yes you don’t get too many wins with Libyans.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, they’re really fun and colourful armies to game with.


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