Saturday, August 13, 2022

Dacians versus Early Imperial Romans Mortem et Gloriam Game


Armies deployed - Dacians left, Romans right

Opposite end

Dacian nobles and warriors with falx

Dacian warriors and archers

Sarmatian lancers

Dacian nobles and warriors

On Friday afternoon Garry came over to my place and we played a MeG Pacto game out in the shed, with his Dacians fighting my Early Imperial Romans. We used our standard 28mm 80mm base widths with no reduction in distances but reduced the Kill a Base test range (a type pf morale test) to two base widths rather than three. We haven't played MeG, or with these armies, for a while and it proved to be a very close and hard fought game.

The Romans were the attackers and the armies closed and were shooting before long. The Dacian nobles and warriors with falx launched their devastating charge. The centres were destroyed with heavy casualties, including commanders, on both sides. The game went right down to the final turn with Romans having lost six units and breaking on seven, while the Dacians had lost nine units breaking on ten. In the end the Numidian light cavalry were able to break a Dacian archer unit with missile fire handing the Romans a very tense 15-10 victory.

Dacian nobles, warriors and skirmishers


Armies advance

Armies close and shoot

Dacians charge

Centre of both armies is destroyed

Dacians break - a hard fought 15-10 Roman victory


  1. Great looking game!
    Really love EIR and Dacian armies.
    Best regards

    1. Thanks Michal, it was a fun, close game with nice armies.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray, the game couldn’t have got much closer!


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