Saturday, September 17, 2022

Hittites versus Mitanni ADLG Game


Hittites and Mitanni deployed

Hurri-Mitanni force with captured Egyptian camp!

Hittite force

Forces advance

Shooting commences

Mitanni direct some withering bow fire

Hittites are on the back foot

I really enjoy these small ADLG Bronze Age games, they're so quick and easy to set up and play. This morning I played another one, a solo game with the Hittites taking on the Mitanni. The Mitanni got off to good start with some withering bow fire and the casualties quickly mounted for the Hittites. Most of the Hittite chariots routed from combat and it seemed to be just a matter of time before they became demoralised. The Hittites managed to rally and invoking their Storm God Taru, counter attacked routing the Mitanni chariots on the right flank then most of the Mitanni infantry in the centre. It was quite a come back, the Hittites had two more units than the Mitanni, breaking on 13 rather than 11, which saved the day!

Hittite chariots and infantry charge

Casualties mount for the Hittites

Will Teshub or Taru, the Hurrian or Hattian Storm God intervene?

Hittite chariots rout on the left

Hittite infantry rally and counter attack

Mitanni infantry rout and force is demoralised


  1. This is a nicely sized contest. I always enjoy seeing your Biblical armies out for a battle.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, they’re fun and quick to play with 15mm, I always really enjoy the games.

  2. Agree, always love to see your biblical stuff sir!
    Best regards

  3. Nice stuff - and love the basing too

    1. Thanks, I do all my Biblical armies with this desert basing.


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