Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Rebels and Patriots Waterloo Campaign Game


French attackers and British defenders deployed

British Officer's line infantry unit

British Light Dragoons

Riflemen and skirmishers

British line infantry

French infantry

Both sides advance

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!

Last Wednesday afternoon Craig came over to my place and we played a 24 point a side Rebels and Patriots Waterloo Campaign game. I still had the table and troops set up from my solo game last week. The French were the attackers and the British were the defenders. The French started the game well, chipping away at the British Light Dragoons, who they eventually routed. The British sharp shooting riflemen in turn proved to be very effective and joined by the line infantry killed the French officer and eventually destroyed his veteran line infantry unit. At this point the French casualties were mounting and they were in retreat, so we called time.

British Dragoons suffer casualties

The infantry are reluctant to close 

Voltigeurs skirmish and evade

British Dragoons are broken

Long range shooting continues

British shooting finds its mark

The French casualties mount and they are in retreat

Friday, December 16, 2022

Secure the Road - Rebels and Patriots Peninsular War Game


Forces deployed

British defenders

French attackers

Both sides advance

Shooting commences

French lancers are broken by British fire

On Friday afternoon I played a solo Rebels and Patriots late Peninsular War game out in the shed. The scenario was to secure the road, both sides had twenty six points, the French were the attackers and the British the defenders. The two sides advanced and the French lancers were soon broken and then routed by some withering British fire. Undaunted the French infantry pressed the attack and were able to kill the British officer and break his unit with shooting. All the British units were veterans but the French had the weight of numbers and were eventually able to break and then rout the Kings German Legion unit. The French had secured the road and the surviving British had no option but to retreat.

The French have the weight of numbers

British officer is killed and his unit broken

KGL unit is broken and retreats

French charge the KGL

Casualties mount for the Brits

French secure the road

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Chickamauga, Georgia, (Second Day) September 20 1863 - Battle Cry Game


View of the table from the Union right flank

Side view

Union right flank under McCook

Last Tuesday night I went over to Rick's place for a Battle Cry game, the scenario was the second day of Chickamauga. Gary and I were the Confederate commanders, Longstreet in the centre and Polk on the right, under the overall command of Braxton Bragg. Rick commanded the Union forces under Rosecrans. Both sides had five cards, with the Confederates moving first, and six flags required for victory. 

The Confederates had early success attacking on the right flank but the Union forces slowly but surely pegged them back. Most of the fighting was concentrated on the Confederate right flank and centre, with progressively worse cards, making things difficult for both sides. In desperation the Union forces played a Sharp Shooter card to kill Polk and draw the game 5-5. The hard fighting continued and was finally decided in the centre with the Confederates narrowly winning 6-5.

Fighting on the Confederate right flank and centre

Centre decided the game

Confederates just win 6-5

Friday, December 9, 2022

Early Achaemenid Persians versus Greeks - Age of Alexander Saga Game


Greeks and Persians deployed



Persian cavalry attack

On Friday afternoon Craig came over to my place and we played an early Persians versus Greeks, Age of Alexander Saga game. Both sides were six points with the usual Clash of Warlords scenario. The Persian cavalry attacked early in the game but retreated lucky to survive. The Bactrian cavalry then shot at the hearthguard Greek hoplites but ended up retreating below half strength. The Greek line of battle proved to be effective but the Persian infantry survived repeated Greek attacks and with One Volley After Another shooting attacks evened up the contest. In the end it was a 15-15 draw, fun to get the troops out and play our first Age of Alexander Saga game.

Persian cavalry retreat

Bactrian cavalry shoot

Bactrians retreat

Persian infantry survive the Greek attacks

Game ends in a 15-15 draw

Friday, December 2, 2022

Anglo-Danish Huscarls


Here are some Anglo-Danish huscarls that I've just finished painting. They are Renegade Miniatures with a mix of LBM transfers and hand painted kite shields. I've started on some Victrix Anglo-Danes as well, these will be the Select Fyrd.

Heroes and Slingers

  Above are some Irish heroes and a single Norse hero. We have a Norse vs Irish and a Norse vs Anglo-Danes Midgard game lined up in the next...