Sunday, November 26, 2023

Ashurbanipal - King of the World, King of Assyria.


Here is a Neo-Assyrian King, on campaign in his chariot, that I've finally finished painting. He is supposed to be Ashurbanipal, the last great Neo-Assyrian king who ruled from 669 to c. 631 BC. Figures and chariots are by Wargames Foundry. A great book to get if you're interested is I am Ashurbanipal: king of the world, king of Assyria edited by Gareth Brereton a publication which accompanied the 2018 and 2019 exhibition at the British Museum.



  1. Excellent work on your chariot, Mike! The book you cite is s good one.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. It is indeed, great text, photos, maps and illustrations!

  2. He has a regal bearing! Very nice work.

  3. It’s always great to push a project over the finish line. It looks great, are they 15’s?


    1. Thanks Kevin, no they’re 28mm. I do have some Essex 15mm Assyrians as well.

  4. Awesome looking Assyrian king, as played by Cagney, king of the world ma!
    Best Iain

  5. Great looking king's chariot, Mike. Although I never got around to building an Assyrian army (WAB days), I had a fondness for the Foundry range of them - as well as the illustrations of them in battle line in the old, original WAB book.

  6. Thanks Dean, yes the Foundry Assyrian range is still the best. Chariot Wars was a classic WAB supplement with great photos and illustrations.


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