Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Late Republican Roman Legionaries


Here's a unit of Late Republican Roman legionaries that I've finally finished painting. They're plastic Warlord  Games figures, the last of four or five boxes I've painted. They're armed with gladius and are lot easier to rank up than those with pila. The cracking resin Aquilifer figure (of the Tenth Legion) was a freebie with the lastest Hail Caesar supplement Caesar's Gallic Wars.


  1. Excellent work! BTW, is that an Asia Minor mountain behind them?

    1. Thanks Aaron. Greece, it is the hill behind Mycenae.

  2. Superb Romans...and presentation!

  3. Excellent looking Romans, funny as In our time is on radio 4 in the background on Tiberias, I thought you meant the eagle bearer was damaged at first!
    Best Iain


More Bronze Age Civilians

  Here are some more Bronze Age Greek civilians that I've just finished painting. They're lovely figures by Eureka Miniatures. The s...