Friday, December 15, 2023

Lusitanians versus Republican Romans ADLG Game


Lusitanians on the left and Romans on the right

Opposite end

Roman right flank and camp

Roman centre

Roman left flank

Lusitanian right flank 

Lusitanian centre

Lusitanian left flank

Roman camp with Triarii on guard

Last Thursday afternoon Garry, Robert and Craig came over and we played a Lusitanians versus Republican Romans ADLG game out in the shed. I'm currently reading Weapons, Warriors and Battles of Ancient Iberia by Fernando Quesada Sansz, a really great book, beautifully illustrated too. This inspired me to make up a Lusitanian army list from the time of Viriathus, active as a military leader from 147 - 139 BC. I was a bit short on painted scutarii units so had to draft in some Celts to make up the numbers. 

We removed the -1 modifiers for disordered and uncontrolled charge for impetuous troops in ADLG, as we particularly dislike this. Historically it seems first charge was when these troop types were usually most effective. This seemed to work fine and our game turned out to be a hard fought affair with the Spanish allies on the Roman side performing nearly as well as the legionaries.  In the end neither side broke but the Romans were well ahead in the game despite suffering a flank charge on a cavalry unit.

Lusitanians advance

Iberian allied light cavalry
charge Lusitanian cavalry

Armies close

Iberian allies charge Lusitanian infantry

Two sides in combat

Gaps appear in the lines

Roman right flank holds

A flank charge on the Roman cavalry
but the Romans win the day


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, it was fun to get the troops out.

  2. Great looking Ancients gaming again, Mike. There's a local gamer here who's been playing ADLG for a while. He's currently working on a big Punic War game using those rules and Hail Caesar. He plans on running the game at our next convention in May. Still not sure which rules he'll eventually use.

    1. Thanks Dean, we used to play HC all the time but prefer ADLG now, the smaller unit sizes makes refights easier to do. It’s a never ending search for rules!


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