Elliots on foot and mounted Armstrongs advance |
Elliots fire their pistols |
Armstrongs charge in to combat |
Last night we played our first game of Border Wars out in the shed. It was a 70 point game with an all foot force of Elliots taking on all mounted force of Armstrongs settling the score (Scenario 1 - To the Death p.64.) by the Big Rock. The families advanced eager to get stuck in. Shooting saw both leaders wounded but undeterred the Armtrongs charged in to combat. This didn't go well and in subsequent turns, all of the Armstrong soldiers were killed, while only a single Elliot soldier was dispatched. A Jeddart Staff armed Elliot soldier cut down an Armstrong hero, leaving the Armstrong leader, wounded and alone, facing surrender or a valiant death.
It was a pretty quick game, about an hour, twenty minutes in playing time. Inevitably as a first game we missed a few things and got a few things wrong. Border Wars is quite a detailed set of skirmish rules with lots of dice activation D10s, D8s and D6s as well as cards - Special Actions, Heroic Actions and Special Events. The families are divided in to three levels - Leader, Hero and Soldiers with individual card profiles and stats which are modified as the game progresses with tokens. There are also skilled characters, civilians and livestock - the object of all the reiving. Quite a bit to absorb and ponder but hopefully another game next week will make it all a bit clearer.
It doesn't go well! |
Armstrong hero is cut down by a Jeddart Staff armed Elliot soldier |
Armstrong leader faces surrender or a valiant death |