Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Lion Rampant Crusader States Game - Crusaders versus Fatimid Egyptians


View of the table


Fatimid Egyptians

Fatimid attackers advance

Side view - Fatimid archers hit their mark

Last Tuesday afternoon I went over to Rick's place and we played a Lion Rampant Crusader States game. I'm still painting my Seljuk infantry so I decided to field Fatimid Egyptians with my Almoravid Moors as Sudanese infantry. I commanded the Fatimid Egyptian attackers and Rick commanded the Crusaders with the usual Bloodbath scenario and looting of the village. The Fatimids in the Crusader States supplement army lists get two extra points, as their leader doesn't add a morale bonus for courage tests, so I had 26 points and the Crusaders only had 24 points and were out numbered.

This turned out to be a very one sided game, Rick hadn't played for a fair while and didn't have much luck with his dice. The Crusader knights and sergeants basically provided target practice for the Fatimids. The Crusaders did destroy a unit of Sudanese light infantry and the crossbowmen and light infantry caused a few casualties but otherwise it was a one way street. For future games I want to try out some of the scenarios in the excellent Crusader States supplement and a four player game with Crusaders, Byzantines, Syrians/Seljuks and Armenians. I have my Armenian infantry based and primed but have done much painting on them to date.

Crusaders are out numbered 

Crusader knights and sergeants provide target practice

Only the Crusader infantry remain

Crusader light infantry break

Monday, July 22, 2024

Bronze Age Greek Civilians - Mule Train


Here are some Bronze Age Greek civilians in a mule train. Figures are all by Eureka Miniatures from their Bronze Age Greeks range. These are really handy figures for baggage and camps. They can obviously be used well in to the Iron Age as well. There is a comparison shot at the bottom with the Castaway Arts baggage mules.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Hannibal Barca


Here's Hannibal Barca with his shield bearer. These are very detailed 28mm resin figures by Warlord Games which were a lot of fun to paint. It's a pity they're not doing the Punic Wars in 28mm as well! I have quite a collection of Hannibal figures from 1st Corps, Xyston, A&A and Relic Miniatures but this is the most detailed and heroic to date.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Arab Heavy Cavalry


Here are some Arab heavy cavalry from the Gripping Beast plastic set that I've just finished painting for my Islamic armies. I have a box of the plastic GB light cavalry to paint as well but have more Perry horse archers and infantry to finish before them. I find an initial aim of a 24 point Lion Rampant force works well as motivation for completing units for a game and is very achievable as you usually only need five or so units a side. I will use these as Seljuks and Syrians against my Crusaders and Byzantines.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Seljuk and Turcoman Horse Archers


Here are some Seljuk and Turcoman horse archers that I've just finished painting. Figures are by Perry Miniatures with two LBM shield transfers. These are for my Seljuk/Syrian/Fatimid/Ayyubid army. I'm working on some Gripping Beast plastic Arab heavy cavalry at the moment, amongst other things, so they will probably be next.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Open Battle at the Siege of Rome 537 AD - Command and Colors Medieval


Initial deployment from the Goths’ side

Opposite end

Byzantine right flank commanded by Belisarius

Byzantine centre commanded by Principius

Byzantine left flank commanded by Valentinus

City Militia and ballista on the walls of Rome

City Militia and ballista on the walls of Rome

Initial deployment from the Byzantine side

Opposite end

Goths’ right flank

On Monday morning I played a solo Command and Colors Medieval game out in the shed. The scenario was an Open Battle at the Siege of Rome 537 AD. The Byzantines commanded by Belisarius, taking on the besieging Ostrogoths commanded by Vitiges, in the fields just outside the walls of Rome. Quite a lot is actually known about this battle as Procopius in his Gothic Wars 1.28.15 - 29.45  gives quite a detailed description of it. Both sides had four command cards and two inspired actions tokens and the Byzantines moved first. I have an early Byzantine army (mainly the superb Aventine miniatures range) but only have  a unit of horse archers painted to date, so used my Late Romans and even some Nikephorian horse archers to make up the Byzantine numbers.

The Byzantines advanced and shot effectively with their horse archers on both flanks. The Goth cavalry charged on their left flank but both units were eventually destroyed. The Goth warriors in the centre attacked and drove the Byzantine infantry back to the very gates of Rome but suffered heavy casualties themselves. Principius the Byzantine commander in the centre was then able to lead the Byzantine infantry to a very convincing 6-0 victory. A really fun scenario but a very one sided game where the Byzantines had all the luck with their dice and cards.

The new GMT Games' board game Command and Colors Medieval Expansion 1: Crusades Mid-Eastern Battles 1  looks really interesting and is currently at the printer, so will probably be shipping in the next couple of months, I'm really looking forward to that!

Goths’ centre commanded by Vitiges

Goths’ left flank

Byzantine horse archers advance and
shoot on the right flank

Same thing on their left flank

Goth cavalry charge on their left flank

Byzantines destroy Goth cavalry

Goths attack in the centre

Byzantine infantry retreat to the very gates of Rome

More shooting on the left flank

Principius leads the Byzantines
to victory in the centre 6-0

Early New Kingdom Egyptian Chariots

  Here are some 15mm early New Kingdom Egyptian chariots by Khurasan Miniatures. These are from the 18th Dynasty, part of the army of the gr...