Initial deployment from the Goths’ side |
Opposite end |
Byzantine right flank commanded by Belisarius |
Byzantine centre commanded by Principius |
Byzantine left flank commanded by Valentinus |
City Militia and ballista on the walls of Rome |
City Militia and ballista on the walls of Rome |
Initial deployment from the Byzantine side |
Opposite end |
Goths’ right flank |
On Monday morning I played a solo Command and Colors Medieval game out in the shed. The scenario was an Open Battle at the Siege of Rome 537 AD. The Byzantines commanded by Belisarius, taking on the besieging Ostrogoths commanded by Vitiges, in the fields just outside the walls of Rome. Quite a lot is actually known about this battle as Procopius in his Gothic Wars 1.28.15 - 29.45 gives quite a detailed description of it. Both sides had four command cards and two inspired actions tokens and the Byzantines moved first. I have an early Byzantine army (mainly the superb Aventine miniatures range) but only have a unit of horse archers painted to date, so used my Late Romans and even some Nikephorian horse archers to make up the Byzantine numbers.
The Byzantines advanced and shot effectively with their horse archers on both flanks. The Goth cavalry charged on their left flank but both units were eventually destroyed. The Goth warriors in the centre attacked and drove the Byzantine infantry back to the very gates of Rome but suffered heavy casualties themselves. Principius the Byzantine commander in the centre was then able to lead the Byzantine infantry to a very convincing 6-0 victory. A really fun scenario but a very one sided game where the Byzantines had all the luck with their dice and cards.
The new GMT Games' board game Command and Colors Medieval Expansion 1: Crusades Mid-Eastern Battles 1 looks really interesting and is currently at the printer, so will probably be shipping in the next couple of months, I'm really looking forward to that!
Goths’ centre commanded by Vitiges |
Goths’ left flank |
Byzantine horse archers advance and shoot on the right flank |
Same thing on their left flank |
Goth cavalry charge on their left flank |
Byzantines destroy Goth cavalry |
Goths attack in the centre |
Byzantine infantry retreat to the very gates of Rome |
More shooting on the left flank |
Principius leads the Byzantines to victory in the centre 6-0 |