Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Lion Rampant Crusader States Game - Crusaders versus Fatimid Egyptians


View of the table


Fatimid Egyptians

Fatimid attackers advance

Side view - Fatimid archers hit their mark

Last Tuesday afternoon I went over to Rick's place and we played a Lion Rampant Crusader States game. I'm still painting my Seljuk infantry so I decided to field Fatimid Egyptians with my Almoravid Moors as Sudanese infantry. I commanded the Fatimid Egyptian attackers and Rick commanded the Crusaders with the usual Bloodbath scenario and looting of the village. The Fatimids in the Crusader States supplement army lists get two extra points, as their leader doesn't add a morale bonus for courage tests, so I had 26 points and the Crusaders only had 24 points and were out numbered.

This turned out to be a very one sided game, Rick hadn't played for a fair while and didn't have much luck with his dice. The Crusader knights and sergeants basically provided target practice for the Fatimids. The Crusaders did destroy a unit of Sudanese light infantry and the crossbowmen and light infantry caused a few casualties but otherwise it was a one way street. For future games I want to try out some of the scenarios in the excellent Crusader States supplement and a four player game with Crusaders, Byzantines, Syrians/Seljuks and Armenians. I have my Armenian infantry based and primed but have done much painting on them to date.

Crusaders are out numbered 

Crusader knights and sergeants provide target practice

Only the Crusader infantry remain

Crusader light infantry break


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Donnie, it was good to try out these troops in a game.

  2. So I am a huge Saga player and if you play Saga how do the two compare play wise? It seems about the same number of figures per side. Nice layout of game.


    1. I prefer Lion Rampant to Saga, which I find pretty cheesy. It’s my go to skirmish game and I use it for Bronze Age skirmish games as well with Chariots Rampant. It’s probably simpler and less detailed than Saga, uses slightly different unit sizes, 6 figures for cavalry, elite infantry and skirmishers and 12 for all other infantry units. It’s not designed for comps but more scenarios, a 24 warband is standard with about 4-5 units. Dan Mersey’s other skirmish rules Pikeman’s Lament, Rebels and Patriots, Men Who Would be Kings, Dragon Rampant and Xenos Rampant all use the same basic mechanics.

  3. Great to see fine Lion Rampant geme!

    1. Thanks Michal, always enjoy the LR games.

  4. I keep seeing all these great LR reports and feel shame that my copy is still unplayed!

    1. You should try it Aaron, works fine with 15mm if you use cm instead of inches and for solo games. It’s pretty simple but always good fun for a quick game.

  5. Lovely looking game and it's usually fun playing Lion Rampant, although maybe your opponent didn't think so?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, he enjoyed but had bad luck and was a bit rusty with the rules.

  6. Great looking terrain and gaming! I need to get some LR games in again.


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