Thursday, December 27, 2018

Neo-Assyrians versus Neo-Babylonians Chariots Rampant Game

Assyrians left, Babylonians right

 Arab Camel Riders

Babylonian cavalry

Assyrian Guard cavalry

Assyrian chariots and infantry

Forces advance

Last Sunday afternoon we played a 25 point Neo-Assyrians versus Neo-Babylonians Chariots Rampant game. The Babylonian rebels were the attackers with the usual Bloodbath scenario. The rebels had two units of mixed spear and bow infantry, a unit of Chaldean slingers, a unit of Arab Camel riders and a mixed spear and bow cavalry unit. The Assyrians had two units of Sab Sharri auxiliaries, mixed spear and bow infantry, a unit of Guard cavalry, armed with both spear and bow, and a unit of Heavy Chariots. Each unit was capable of ranged fire, so this often made shooting an attractive option. The Babylonian rebels made effective use of their fire power and inflicted a crushing defeat on the Assyrians who lost both their infantry units and their cavalry.

Sab Sharri auxiliaries charge the Arab Camel Riders

Assyrian cavalry charge

Assyrian casualties mount

Babylonian cavalry advance 

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Neo-Assyrian Chariot and Cavalry

First of all I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy gaming, painting and blogging for 2019!

Here are a Neo-Assyrian chariot and some more cavalry that I've finally finished painting. These are all Wargames Foundry figures, really superb detail but quite time consuming to paint. The cavalry are a mixed unit with front rank lancers and the rear rank archers. Anyway the good news is I now have enough painted to play a Chariots Rampant game with Neo-Assyrians versus Neo-Babylonians. I'll try a game over the next couple of days and see how they go.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

A Scouting Clash Dux Bellorum Game

Romano-British on the left, Saxons on the right

Both scouting forces advance

Saxon Ordinary Riders were the heroes of the game

The forces close on the two objectives - the hill and the building

Combat begins

Last Saturday afternoon Craig came over to my place and we played the fourth game in our Dux Bellorum campaign, The Raiding Season, based on the Age of Arthur WAB supplement (pp. 133-135). Our last game was a draw so the scenario this time was The Scouting Clash (p.122) with slightly reduced forces, 24 points instead of the usual 32 points. I was the attacker this time and the objective for both sides was to seize control of the hill and building in the centre of the table.

As usual the game moved quickly and before long both scouting forces were slogging it out in the centre of the table with casualties mounting. My Romano-British Companions and Noble Riders, charged a single Saxon Ordinary Rider unit, who managed to survive multiple combats despite retreating. Eventually they succumbed, heroes to a man, but had tied up my two best units for most of the game. At this stage both sides had to test for morale with 50% casualties, three of my surviving units failed while the Saxons passed all tests. The result was the first Mighty Victory for the Saxons in the campaign.

Romano-British Companions and Noble Riders charge

The infantry slog it out in the centre

Saxon Ordinary Riders hang on for another turn

Casualties mount

Romano-British Ordinary Shieldwall fail their morale test

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Assyrian Reliefs at the British Museum Part Three

Dead lioness 645-640 BC
North Palace, Nineveh, Iraq

Dead lion 645-640 BC
North Palace, Nineveh, Iraq

Hunting scene palace of Sargon II
c. 710 BC Khorsabad, Iraq

Sennacherib's archers and slingers attacking Lachish
c. 700 BC Sennacherib's Palace, Nineveh, Iraq

Sennacherib's spearmen and archers attacking Lachish
c. 700 BC Sennacherib's Palace, Nineveh, Iraq

Sennacherib's armoured slingers
c. 700 BC Sennacherib's Palace, Nineveh, Iraq

Sling stones the size of cricket balls

Men returning from the hunt carrying dead lions
645-640 BC North Palace, Nineveh, Iraq

Hounds chase a herd of deer into a net
645-640 BC North Palace, Nineveh, Iraq

Modern reconstruction of gates made
about 845 BC for a royal building at Balawat

The Kurk Stele - Shalmaneser III worshipping symbols of the gods
c. 853 BC Kurkh, near Diyarbakir Turkey

The Kurk Stele - Bactrian camels and hunting lions
c. 853 BC Kurkh, near Diyarbakir Turkey

The Kurk Stele c. 853 BC Kurkh, near Diyarbakir Turkey

The Kurk Stele c. 853 BC Kurkh, near Diyarbakir Turkey

Tiglath-pileser III in his chariot with parasol bearer
730-727 BC South-West Palace, Nimrud, Iraq

Friday, December 14, 2018

Assyrian Reliefs at the British Museum Part Two

An assault on a fortress
c.865 BC Nimrud, Iraq

Ashurnasirpal II shoots at his enemies, the chariot
in the centre displays the standard of the storm god Adad
c.865 BC Nimrud, Iraq

Siege tower with battering ram
c.865 BC Nimrud, Iraq

Ashurnasirpal II shoots a bow at his enemies
c.865 BC Nimrud, Iraq

Ashurnasirpal II shoots a lion from his chariot
c.865 BC Nimrud, Iraq

Ashurnasirpal II shoots a lion from his chariot
c.865 BC Nimrud, Iraq

Mounted attendants Ashurbanipal's Royal Lion Hunt
645-640 BC North Palace, Nineveh, Iraq

Mounted Ashurbanipal drives a spear into a lion's mouth
645-640 BC North Palace, Nineveh, Iraq

Ashurbanipal on foot kills a lion with a sword
645-640 BC North Palace, Nineveh, Iraq

Mounted Ashurbanipal shoots wild asses
645-640 BC North Palace, Nineveh, Iraq

A dying lion, wounded by arrows
645-640 BC North Palace, Nineveh, Iraq

Ashurbanipal shoots lions from his chariot
645-640 BC North Palace, Nineveh, Iraq

Ashurbanipal's attendants repel an attacking lion from his chariot
645-640 BC North Palace, Nineveh, Iraq

Early New Kingdom Egyptian Chariots

  Here are some 15mm early New Kingdom Egyptian chariots by Khurasan Miniatures. These are from the 18th Dynasty, part of the army of the gr...