Thursday, March 19, 2020

Battle of Utica 240 BC - The Truceless War - Command & Colors Ancients Game

Carthaginians deployed on the left, Rebels on the right

Another side view from the Rebel right flank

Numidian Elephants in the Carthaginian centre

Carthaginian Elephants on the left flank

Carthaginian Elephants on the right flank

Carthaginian Order Heavy troops card - the ellies attack!

Nice rolling on the Rebel heavy infantry - four hits & three re-rolls!

The centre ellies are not so lucky

Earlier today I played a solo Command and Colors Ancients (CCA) game out in the shed. The scenario was the Battle of Utica in 240 BC, fought during the Truceless War, with Hamilcar Barca commanding the Carthaginians against the Mercenary Rebels under Spendius and Autaritas. This was a tough scenario for the Rebels, as they only had four command cards, compared to the Carthaginians who had six cards and moved first.

The Carthaginians played an Order Heavy Troops card in the first turn and quickly attacked the Rebel infantry with three elephant units. The ellies on the left flank got off to a flying start by rolling four hits and three re-rolls (not that they were needed) against the Rebel heavy infantry. They then made a momentum advance with a bonus combat against the Rebel medium infantry. The other ellies were not so lucky and the Rebels fought back, eventually destroying all three Carthaginian elephant units.

The Carthaginians attacked on their right flank with Spanish cavalry and Scutarii to no great effect and a Rebel attack on their right flank yielded similar results with multiple retreats and an evade. The Carthaginians countered in the centre and on the right but Spendius, seemingly from nowhere, destroyed the Carthaginian cavalry and citizen spearmen in one turn, to seal the game, five to three victory points. It was a good win for the Rebels who had caught the Carthaginians napping with their entire centre unused and in tact.

Same deal on the right flank

Spanish cavalry attack on the Carthaginian right flank

Autaritas leads his Gallic warriors in attack on the Rebel right flank

Rebel right flank retreats but Spendius is victorious in the centre

Carthaginian centre remains but the ellies and right flank are gone

End of game Rebel right flank

Rebel left flank 


  1. Nice battle report and figures. I believe I purchased the same gaming mat for the very same reason. (using my 28mm figures)
    I think I only used it twice before moving on to "To the Strongest" rules.
    Looks great for solo playing.

    1. Thanks Guido, it is very good for solo games, especially when the scenario is tough for one side. The Command & Colors Medieval is worth getting and quite different to CCA, I still haven't tried To the Strongest yet...

    2. A quick question, When you play solo C&C do you just use whatever the next card in the deck is?

    3. No I deal out the cards for both sides, then just play what looks like the best option that you have in your hand for that turn. Replacement cards I just use next in the deck.

    4. Seems a logical way to play, otherwise with one card from the deck, you might not be able to do anything in a turn.

  2. Looks great, beautiful units alla round, and these awesome elephants are so impressive...Nice report!

    1. Thanks Phil, it was an unexpected win for the Rebels.

  3. Lovely looking game and always worth playing C&C Ancients!

    1. Thanks Aaron, even solo games are good fun and through up unexpected results. I might be playing a few of these in the months to come...

  4. Excellent battle, Mike!

    CCA works well for solo play and I have enjoyed many such games. Elephants are tricky to use. They can be either steamrollers or easily knocked out. Usually, it is the latter for me.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, it does work well for solo games. Elephants are definitely vulnerable with only two blocks, the loss of all three units cost the Carthaginians the game.

  5. A nice read and a good escape from the woes we are facing in the world right now. I can't tell you how inspiring it is to see your miniatures and a game AAR to boot. I can't wait to order some victrix and get started now that I have my mat from tiny wargames. But first I have to finish a couple other of projects. I just finished some vintage Tour de France figures for a friend and posted pictures on my blog. Hopefully I will be able to post ancients instead soon:)


    1. Thanks Kevin, the vintage Tour de France figures sound interesting, what's your blog?

    2. Why the... “The Zhodani Commando” sir. I believe if you click on my photo or name next to photo it will take you to about me and you will see my blog and can click on it there.


    3. Thanks Kevin, I'll add you to my blog list, those cycling team figures are very cool!

  6. Lovely looking game, I'm definitely going to have some elephants! Sounds like a good result for the rebels and even though you lost you also won!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, elephants are a lot of fun in CCA as you never know what will happen with them. They can be as much danger to your own side, if they rampage, as the enemy!

  7. Great stuff mate, really nice looking game. The elephants look terrifying, do they explode easy or go out of control? I am not up on the rules, but useful if you can play solo.

    French Wargame Holidays

    1. Thanks Matt, it's a real fun game (better with miniatures) and plays well solo. All the rules and scenarios are available online for free. The elephants rampage when they retreat, roll two dice for hits for every adjacent unit.

  8. Spectacular! Wonderful to see all of these excellently painted Ancients in action, particularly the elephants.

    1. Thanks Dean, the elephants are a lot of fun in CCA, you never know what will happen.


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