Sunday, August 21, 2022

More Midianites


Here are some more Midianite camel riders that I've just finished painting. They are lovely Peter Pig figures that I got from Mick Selman of Mick's Metal Models, true 15mm rather than 18mm. I've included some comparison shots below with Museum Miniatures ones I painted last year, these are larger 18mm figures that are a good match for Xyston. I actually don't mind mixing these ranges as there is a much greater range in human and camel sizes than the difference between 15mm and 18mm! All of my infantry for this army are Peter Pig. Essex Miniatures actually have both a 15mm and 28mm range of Midianites.


Heroes and Slingers

  Above are some Irish heroes and a single Norse hero. We have a Norse vs Irish and a Norse vs Anglo-Danes Midgard game lined up in the next...