Sunday, August 21, 2022

More Midianites


Here are some more Midianite camel riders that I've just finished painting. They are lovely Peter Pig figures that I got from Mick Selman of Mick's Metal Models, true 15mm rather than 18mm. I've included some comparison shots below with Museum Miniatures ones I painted last year, these are larger 18mm figures that are a good match for Xyston. I actually don't mind mixing these ranges as there is a much greater range in human and camel sizes than the difference between 15mm and 18mm! All of my infantry for this army are Peter Pig. Essex Miniatures actually have both a 15mm and 28mm range of Midianites.


Etruscan ADLG Game

  Above are some 2nd Class Etruscan infantry that I’ve just finished painting. Figures are by Gorgon Studios with LBM shield transfers. On F...