Friday, May 31, 2024

Maurayan versus Nandan Indian ADLG Game


Armies deployed

Opposite end

Maurayan right flank

Maurayan centre

Maurayan left flank

Nandan right flank

Nandan centre

Nandan left flank

Last Thursday afternoon Garry came over and we played a Maurayan versus Nandan Indian ADLG game out in the shed. The two armies were very similar, the main difference being two units of Maurayan guardsmen, while the Nandan infantry were all mixed units of swordsmen and archers. I commanded the Nandan army who were the attackers and wasted no time in charging on both flanks. In the centre the infantry held off and tried to take advantage of their superior fire power. It was quite a hard fought and close game right until the final turn, when the Nandan right flank was destroyed and the infantry collapsed in the centre.

Nandan right flank charges

Left flank does the same

Infantry in the centre hold off and fire

Nandan right flank is under pressure

Maurayan heavy chariots pursue

Nandan right flank is in tatters

Nandan army breaks

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Gangs of Rome Two Game


Gangs and mobs deployed

My fighters are caught flat footed

On Tuesday afternoon Robert came over and we played a Gangs of Rome Two game out in the shed. I bought and painted most of my buildings and figures back in 2018 when it first came out. Since then I’ve added some pre-painted Empires of War buildings and a few more Sarissa Precision ones as well. The Sarissa Precision mdf kits are really cleverly designed and are a lot of fun to put together. I’ve found that spay painting with a base colour seems to get better results than using a paint brush on the buildings. Collecting and painting these Roman buildings is a big part of the attraction for me.

We both had five gang fighters at 125 points and Looting (p.28.), was the first scenario in the new rule book. The player who held the most, of four objective tokens, by the end of turn five was the winner. The game uses random token activation of individual fighters and mob bases and Robert was able to get a good head start on me in the first couple of turns, snaffling most of the objective markers. The mob bases provide a random element to the game, and can become enraged and attack your fighters. Robert’s fighters blended in with the mob bases and while exiting any of the three on the table mean there wasn’t much I could do. We both ended up with two fighters dead but Robert won easily with three out of the four objective tokens.

Roman mobs cause chaos

Robert’s fighters snaffle the objective markers

Robert's fighters win easily

Monday, May 27, 2024

Indian Elephant and Cavalry


Here's an Indian elephant and some cavalry that I've just finished painting. The ellie and crew are by V&V Miniatures, a very detailed resin kit, and the cavalry are by Newline Designs. We have a Mauryan versus Nandan Indian ADLG game organised for later this week and these figures are reinforcements for that game.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Etruscan ADLG Game


Above are some 2nd Class Etruscan infantry that I’ve just finished painting. Figures are by Gorgon Studios with LBM shield transfers. On Friday afternoon Garry came over and we played an Etruscan ADLG game out in the shed and these figures got a run. The two armies represented city states which I randomly decided were Veii (mine) and Tarquinia (Garry’s) two quite large Etruscan cities close to Rome. 

The army of Veii were the attackers and moved first. Skirmishers fired on the flanks and the cavalry charged in to combat.The main fight was between the 1st Class Hoplites in the centre. Garry didn’t have much luck with his dice and all of my 1st Class Hoplites had armour (extra 2 points cost) which made them more resilient. In the end his centre was worn down with his smaller flanks too.

Army of Veii right flank 

Army of Veii centre

Army of Veii left flank

Army of Tarquinia left flank

Army of Tarquinia centre

Army of Tarquinia right flank

Army of Veii advances

Action on the left flank 

Armies close

Cavalry charge 

Cavalry combat on the right flank

1st Class Hoplites charge in the centre

Cavalry slog it out

Casualties mount

Combat in the centre

Army of Tarquinia is demoralised

Sunday, May 12, 2024

First Game of Ruckus


Retinues advance onto the table

Retinues close, archers shoot

In the May 2024 (issue No 247) of Wargames Illustrated there is a 32 page, free set of Medieval skirmish rules, Never Mind the Billhooks Here's the Ruckus by Mike Peters. I ordered it at great expense for the postage down under. I thought they sounded like a lot of fun, a War of the Roses skirmish game with only twelve figures a side. After reading the rules, downloading, printing then gluing all the cards, tokens and sheets I was ready to  try a solo game. 

Quite a time consuming part of the game is the set up of retinues which is done with a pack of playing cards with the four suits reflecting different skills and traits. You need a retinue sheet for each side. I scribbled one out but didn't worry too much about the skills and traits just using the standard retainer examples. Each side has three heroes, a captain with two squires who command retainers, usually bowmen or billmen. The game uses card activation with three card decks, the Hero Deck, Cunning Plan Deck and Divers Alarums Deck, as well as D6s for shooting, combat and morale.

I played the introductory scenario on page thirty with each hero and their retainers activated when their card was drawn, moving onto the table. In my game there were quite a few misfires (roll of 1) for both sides in the shooting, obviously no veteran archers available! Once they charged in to combat it was all over fairly quickly. A retinue reduced to half strength has to pass a Will to Fight test (7+ on two D6) which they duly failed. Overall it was a fun, quick game, and I'm keen to try it again. A retinue spreadsheet would definitely make it easier to keep track of everything.

A squire with billmen charges
the opposing hero and retainers

Retinue is down to half strength
and loses the will to fight!

Monday, May 6, 2024

Mounted Sergeants


Here are a unit of mounted Sergeants with crossbow for a small Lion Rampant force of Teutonic Knights. The figures and horses are all Essex Miniatures. I have some plastic Fireforge sets to paint for the knights and other sergeants. For opponents I will use my Medieval Russians and Mongols. I'd quite like to refight the famous Battle on Lake Peipus in 1242 where Alexander Nevsky defeated the Teutonic Knights.

There is an entertaining 27 minute YouTube video of the battle scene, the Battle on Ice, from Sergei Eisenstein's 1938 movie Alexander Nevsky:

Early New Kingdom Egyptian Chariots

  Here are some 15mm early New Kingdom Egyptian chariots by Khurasan Miniatures. These are from the 18th Dynasty, part of the army of the gr...