Friday, May 31, 2024

Maurayan versus Nandan Indian ADLG Game


Armies deployed

Opposite end

Maurayan right flank

Maurayan centre

Maurayan left flank

Nandan right flank

Nandan centre

Nandan left flank

Last Thursday afternoon Garry came over and we played a Maurayan versus Nandan Indian ADLG game out in the shed. The two armies were very similar, the main difference being two units of Maurayan guardsmen, while the Nandan infantry were all mixed units of swordsmen and archers. I commanded the Nandan army who were the attackers and wasted no time in charging on both flanks. In the centre the infantry held off and tried to take advantage of their superior fire power. It was quite a hard fought and close game right until the final turn, when the Nandan right flank was destroyed and the infantry collapsed in the centre.

Nandan right flank charges

Left flank does the same

Infantry in the centre hold off and fire

Nandan right flank is under pressure

Maurayan heavy chariots pursue

Nandan right flank is in tatters

Nandan army breaks


  1. What's to like, elephants on both sides!! Great looking armies and an interesting match up, very nice!

    1. Thanks Donnie, the Indians are very colourful and a lot of fun with all the elephants and chariots.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, it’s good to get the Indians out for a game.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Aaron, it was a good match up with two Indian armies.


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